
我正在学习使用pthreads编程。 如何编写程序在单独的线程上打印奇数和偶数。

    您需要两个同步对象,例如信号量或条件变量。 这个想法是线程A在打印之前请求信号量A并且在线程B执行相反操作之后释放信号量B.



    initialization: // set semA to 1 so that the call to sem_wait in the // even thread will succeed right away sem_init(semA, 1) sem_init(semB, 0) even_thread: to_print = 0; loop: sem_wait(semA); write(to_print); to_print += 2 sem_post(semB) odd_thread: to_print = 1 loop: sem_wait(semB) write(to_print) to_print += 2 sem_post(semA) 



           pthread_mutex_t count_mutex = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER;      pthread_cond_t condition_var = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER;       void * functionCount1();      void * functionCount2();       int count = 0;      #define COUNT_DONE 200      主要()      {         pthread_t thread1,thread2;          pthread_create(&thread1,NULL,&functionCount1,NULL);         pthread_create(&thread2,NULL,&functionCount2,NULL);          pthread_join(thread1,NULL);         pthread_join(thread2,NULL);         出口(0);      }       //打印奇数       void * functionCount1()      {        对于(;;)         {             //锁定互斥锁,然后等待信号重新启动互斥锁            pthread_mutex_lock(&count_mutex);              //检查最后一次发射的值是否为奇数; 如果是这样,请等待            //打印出偶数            if(count%2!= 0){                pthread_cond_wait(&condition_var,&count_mutex);            }            计数++;            printf(“计数器值functionCount1:%d  n”,计数);            pthread_cond_signal(&condition_var);             if(count> = COUNT_DONE){               pthread_mutex_unlock(&count_mutex);              返回(NULL);            }            pthread_mutex_unlock(&count_mutex);          }      }        //打印偶数      void * functionCount2()      {        对于(;;)         {             //锁定互斥锁,然后等待信号重新启动互斥锁            pthread_mutex_lock(&count_mutex);             //检查最后一次发射的值是否为偶数; 如果是这样,请等待            //打印一个奇数            if(count%2 == 0){                pthread_cond_wait(&condition_var,&count_mutex);            }            计数++;            printf(“计数器值functionCount2:%d  n”,计数);             pthread_cond_signal(&condition_var);             if(count> = COUNT_DONE){               pthread_mutex_unlock(&count_mutex);              返回(NULL);            }            pthread_mutex_unlock(&count_mutex);          }      }      输出::      ubuntu:〜/ work $ gcc even_odd.c -lpthread      ubuntu:〜/ work $ ./a.out      计数器值functionCount1:1     计数器值functionCount2:2     计数器值functionCount1:3     计数器值functionCount2:4     计数器值functionCount1:5     计数器值functionCount2:6     计数器值functionCount1:7     计数器值functionCount2:8     计数器值functionCount1:9     计数器值functionCount2:10      ...  





    [更新]: pthreads的链接即使使用信号量或互斥量,你也很难按1,2,3等顺序获得输出,因为你永远不知道哪个线程有机会先执行。 为此,您可能必须使用一些高级概念,如线程优先级或使用条件变量的线程间通信。 这些只是提示。 我希望如果您浏览该链接,您将获得更多信息。

     #include "stdafx.h" #include "TestC.h" #include"afxmt.h " ///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // The one and only application object CWinApp theApp; using namespace std; CEvent myEvent1; CEvent myEvent2; UINT PrintEven(LPVOID pParam) { int nNum = 2; while( nNum < 20 ) { myEvent2.Lock(); CString str; str.Format("%dn",nNum); printf(str); nNum += 2; myEvent1.SetEvent(); } return 1; } UINT PrintOdd(LPVOID pParam) { int nNum = 1; while( nNum < 20 ) { //myEvent1.Lock(); CString str; str.Format("%dn",nNum); printf(str); nNum += 2; myEvent2.SetEvent(); myEvent1.Lock(); } return 1; } int _tmain(int argc, TCHAR* argv[], TCHAR* envp[]) { AfxBeginThread(PrintOdd, 0); AfxBeginThread(PrintEven, 0); Sleep( 1000 ); return 1; } 

    在JAVA ……

    需要了解更多c/c++开发分享程序在单独的线程上打印奇数和偶数,也可以关注C/ C++技术分享栏目---计算机技术网(www.ctvol.com)!

     public class EvenOddGenTest { /** * @param args */ public static void main(String[] args) { NumberGenerator numGenerator = new NumberGenerator(); OddGenerator oddGen = new OddGenerator(numGenerator); EvenGenerator evenGen = new EvenGenerator(numGenerator); oddGen.start(); evenGen.start(); } } ------------------ public class OddGenerator extends Thread { public NumberGenerator numGen; public OddGenerator(NumberGenerator numberGen) { this.numGen = numberGen; } public void run() { int i = 1; while (i <= 9) { numGen.printOdd(i); i = i + 2; } } } ---- public class EvenGenerator extends Thread { public NumberGenerator numGen; public EvenGenerator(NumberGenerator numberGen) { this.numGen = numberGen; } public void run() { int i = 2; while (i <= 10) { numGen.printEven(i); i = i + 2; } } } ------ public class NumberGenerator { boolean oddPrinted = false; public synchronized void printOdd(int number) { while (oddPrinted == true) { try { wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } System.out.println("NumberGenerator.printOdd() " + number); oddPrinted = true; notifyAll(); } public synchronized void printEven(int number) { while (oddPrinted == false) { try { wait(); } catch (InterruptedException e) { } } oddPrinted = false; System.out.println("NumberGenerator.printEven() " + number); notifyAll(); } } -------- 





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