

  /*******************list.h**********************/  #include <iostream>  #include <malloc.h>  #include <string.h>     using namespace std;  typedef struct TK{   char Name[20];   int SeatId;   struct TK *next;  }Ticket;        typedef struct FLY  {   char FlightId[10];   int Seat[50];   Ticket *PersonHead;   struct FLY *next;  }Flight;        class Person{  public:   void ListInitiate(Flight **head);   bool Check(int *Seat,int Ch);   void Insert(Flight *head);   int Delete(Flight *head);   void show(Flight *head);   void Search(Flight *head);   void AddFlght(Flight *head);   void DeleteFlght(Flight *head);  };     /*******************************main.cpp**********************/  #include "list.h"     int menu()  {   int option;   cout<<endl<<endl;   cout<<"主菜单"<<endl;   cout<<" 1.Booking the ticket of flighting"<<endl;   cout<<" 2.Cancel the flighting"<<endl;   cout<<" 3.Display the information "<<endl;   cout<<" 4.Search"<<endl;   cout<<" 5.Add a Flight"<<endl;   cout<<" 6.Delete a Flight"<<endl;   cout<<" 0.Exit"<<endl<<endl;   cout<<"Please input your option:";   cin>>option;   getchar();   cout<<endl;   if(option>=0&&option<=6)   return option;   else    return -1;  }  int main()  {       cout<<"------------------------->航班管理系统<<<<-----------------------------"<<endl;   cout<<"  欢迎你使用该航班系统"<<endl;   Flight *head;   Person P;   P.ListInitiate(&head);   while(true)   {   switch(menu( ))   {   case 1:P.Insert(head);break; //预订   case 2:P.Delete(head);break; //取消   case 3:P.show(head);break; //显示   case 4:P.Search(head);break; //查询   case 5:P.AddFlght(head);break; //添加航班   case 6:P.DeleteFlght(head);break; //删除航班   case 0:exit(0);   default:cout<<"Choice error!n";   }   }    return 0;  }  /*****************************************passenger.cpp*************************/  #include "List.h"  void Person::ListInitiate(Flight **head)  {   int count=0;   *head = (Flight *)malloc(sizeof(Flight));   (*head)->PersonHead=(Ticket *)malloc(sizeof(Ticket));   (*head)->PersonHead->next=NULL;   (*head)->next=NULL;   for(int i=0;i<50;i++)   {   (*head)->Seat[i]=0;   }  }     bool Person::Check(int *Seat,int Ch)  {   int i;   for(int i=0;i<50;i++)   {   if(Ch==i&&Seat[i]!=1)return 1;   }   return 0;  }  Flight* Index(Flight *head,char *Id)  {   Flight *p=head->next;      while(p)   {   if(strcmp(p->FlightId,Id)==0)   {   return p;   }   p=p->next;   }      return NULL;  }  /*******************************预定******************************/  void Person::Insert(Flight *head)  {   int count=0;   int Ch;   Flight *s=head;      if(s->next==NULL)   {   cout<<"暂无航班!"<<endl;   return ;   }   cout<<"航班列表:"<<endl;   s=s->next;   while(s!=NULL)   {   puts(s->FlightId);   count++;   if(count%5==0)   cout<<"n";   s=s->next;   }   count=0;   char FID[10];   cout<<"输入航班ID:";   gets(FID);   s=Index(head,FID);   if(s==NULL)   {   cout<<"输入ID有误"<<endl;   return;   }   cout<<endl;   cout<<"有以下座位可供选择:"<<endl;   for(int i=0;i<50;i++)   {   if(s->Seat[i]!=1)   {   cout<<i<<"号"<<"t";   count++;   if(count%5==0)   cout<<"n";   }   }   cout<<endl;   cout<<"输入座位号:n";   cin>>Ch;   getchar();   if(!Check(head->Seat,Ch))   {   cout<<"This Seat have been booked or it is non-existent";   return ;   }   s->Seat[Ch]=1;   char name[20];   cout<<endl;   cout<<"Input your Name:";   gets(name);   Ticket *p=s->PersonHead,*q;      while(p->next!=NULL)   {    if(strcmp(p->next->Name,name)>0)   break;   p=p->next;   }      q=(Ticket *)malloc(sizeof(Ticket));   q->next=p->next;   p->next=q;   strcpy(q->Name,name);   q->SeatId=Ch;  }     /*******************************取消预定******************************/  int Person::Delete(Flight *head)  {   char name[20],FID[10];   cout<<"Input your Name:";   gets(name);   getchar();   Flight *s;   cout<<"Input the Flight ID:";   gets(FID);   s=Index(head,FID);   if(s==NULL)   {   cout<<"输入ID有误"<<endl;   return 0;   }      Ticket *p=s->PersonHead->next,*pre=s->PersonHead;   int flag=0;   while(p!=NULL)   {   if(strcmp(p->Name,name)==0){   flag=1;   break;    }   pre=p;   p=p->next;   }   if(flag==1){   pre->next=p->next;   s->Seat[p->SeatId]=0;   free(p);   cout<<"你的机票已经取消成功";   }   else    {   cout<<"您还没订票n";   return 0;    }   return 1;  }  /*******************************显示信息******************************/  void Person::show(Flight *head)  {   Flight *s;   char FID[10];   cout<<"Input The Flight ID:";   gets(FID);   s=Index(head,FID);   if(s==NULL)   {   cout<<"输入ID有误"<<endl;   return;   }   Ticket *p=s->PersonHead->next;   if(p==NULL)   {   cout<<"还没乘客订票"<<endl;   return;   }   while(p!=NULL)   {   cout<<"乘客: "<<p->Name<<" 座位号:" <<p->SeatId;   p=p->next;   }  }     /*******************************查询相关信息******************************/  void Person::Search(Flight *head)  {   char name[20];   cout<<"Input Your Name:";   gets(name);   Flight *s;   char FID[10];   cout<<"Input The Flight ID:";   gets(FID);   s=Index(head,FID);   if(s==NULL)   {   cout<<"输入ID有误"<<endl;   return;   }   Ticket *p=s->PersonHead->next;   int flag=0;   while(p!=NULL)   {   if(strcmp(p->Name,name)==0){   flag=1;   break;    }   p=p->next;   }   if(flag==1){   cout<<name<<" 已订机票"<<endl;   }   else    {   cout<<name<<" 未订机票"<<endl;   }  }  /*******************************增加航班**********************************/  void Person::AddFlght(Flight *head)  {   char FlightID[10];   Flight *p=head,*q;   cout<<" 输入航班ID:";   gets(FlightID);   while(p->next)   {   p=p->next;   }      ListInitiate(&q);   p->next=q;   strcpy(q->FlightId,FlightID);   cout<<"——航班已添加成功!";  }  /**********************************删除航班*******************************************/  void Person::DeleteFlght(Flight *head)  {   char FlightID[10];   int flag=0;   Flight *p=head->next,*q=head;      int count=0;   Flight *s=head;      if(s->next==NULL)   {   cout<<" 暂无航班!"<<endl;   return ;   }   cout<<" 航班列表:"<<endl;   s=s->next;   while(s!=NULL)   {   cout<<s->FlightId<<endl;   count++;   if(count%5==0)   cout<<"n";   s=s->next;   }   cout<<" 输入航班ID:";   gets(FlightID);   while(p)   {   if(strcmp(p->FlightId,FlightID)==0)   {   flag=1;break;   }   q=p;   p=p->next;   }   if(flag==0)   {   cout<<" 该航班ID不存在!";   return ;   }   q->next=q->next->next;   free(p);   cout<<" 航班已删除!n";  }









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